A QHHT Session Looks Like…

How to Prepare?


There are a few important guidelines that will help you prepare appropriately. Click here to learn everything you need to know before your session.

How Long Does it Take?


A total QHHT session can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours long. The session begins with an initial conversation about the issues that are to be addressed in the regression. This helps develop an understanding and to get comfortable. Once there is a clear understanding of your goals and desired outcomes for the session, you will be laid down very comfortably for the best possible relaxation. The regression itself can last up to 2 hours. The session always ends with a comprehensive debrief.

Past Life Regression


The Past Life Regression is typically the first component of the QHHT technique which involves the individual being regressed and guided through one or several appropriate (past) lives. The Higher Self always has our best interest at heart and knows exactly what to show us in order for us to learn, grow, or to help with a specific situation at hand.

Other Existences


In a regression, it is very common to experience alternative lives or existences besides a typical human ‘past life’. It’s important to understand that time is not linear the way we are conditioned to think. Past, present, and future lives are actually all happening simultaneously in continually expanding parallel realities, so I like to look at “past lives” as in fact parallel lives. This is why it is sometimes possible to experience a “future life”.

As multidimensional conscious beings, we can also experience life in infinite forms (ie: as animals, plants, organic matter, extraterrestrial life, etc.). QHHT can be a beautiful way to experience our direct connection to nature and the Cosmos, and don’t worry — you don’t need to understand these complex concepts in order for the work to be beneficial.

The Higher Self


The Higher Self (formally known as the ‘Subconscious’ by Dolores Cannon) can also be identified as the 'Greater You,' the higher intelligence spiritual energy that guides our journey in this human plane of existence. It may also be referenced as the 'Oversoul,' 'Higher Consciousness,' 'Universal Mind,' 'Oneness,' or 'Divine Spirit.' The Higher Self has stated that it does not care what it is called—it simply "is"—and always works for the greater good.

Communicating with the Higher Self can be a deeply transformative experience. Once opened to the potential of this beautiful, direct connection, it becomes innate to know and truly feel the magnitude of the soul.



If the client needs physical or emotional healing, the Higher Self will always be asked to perform the requested and appropriate healing, as well as to perform a body scan to make sure there are no other unknown issues. Typically, the cause of a dis-ease will be revealed in some way during the session and suggestions are typically made by the Higher Self as to how to help address the issue at hand.

Spontaneous healings are frequent, and the Higher Self always knows the appropriate way to address a dis-ease. Spontaneous healing is never guaranteed and it is recommended to come into a session free of any expectations, as healing is an entirely personal and conditional experience.

If you have further questions about this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

After the Session


Following the regression, we will debrief comprehensively together and address any other questions you may have about the session. Complete confidentiality is honored and maintained for every client. All client-practitioner communications are strictly confidential. You will receive a link to an mp3 audio recording of your session via e-mail typically within 24 hours.